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Rhonda Battles Winters: Director of Clinical Services LCAC, CADACV, MSW, BA, QBHP

Rhonda has been working on the front lines in the addiction and mental health field for well over 20 years providing therapeutic support. It has become an ongoing passion and labor of love for her to serve numerous men and women from all backgrounds and populations. Rhonda's experience working in the Programming Department of the Marion County Sheriff’s Office provided her with an indelible imprint regarding the many men and women who are incarcerated. In addition to this, re-entering citizens has also become her passion. Working with Midtown helped develop her skills and enhanced that desire to see that everyone can get support needed for their lives and to be a vital part of re-building their communities.

Donita Smith Foster: Founder and CEO CHWCRS-SA, Wrap Faclilitator, Case Manager

Donita studied at Minneapolis Community College for Childhood Development, Compton Community College for Nursing, The University of Phoenix for Criminal Justice, and Southern Theological Institute of Biblical Studies where she was studying a double degree in Christian and Family and Marital counseling. She has multiple certifications including Mental Health First Aid and Wellness Recovery Action plan. Donita earned her CHWCRS-SA (Community Health Worker Certified Recovery Specialist with Substance Abuse endorsement) in 2011, which has allowed her to lead many recovery support services. She has maintained a caseload of over 1,000 clients since obtaining this certification.

Donita has created, developed, and implemented evidenced based programming for re-entry and addiction treatment for both men and women. In addition to this, Donita has also assisted 5 local agencies in establishing state programming through "The Division of Mental Health & Addictions" to provide treatment services.